Welcome to the 23rd Judicial District Court. As a prospective juror, you are here to perform an important service in our judicial system. The following is some helpful information that should make your experience more pleasant.
If you received a jury subpoena to come to court, please call (985-369-6653) the night before to verify your attendance. Callers will reach a recording with information pertaining to their jury duty date. It is always best to call the night before you are to appear.
Once you reach the age of 70, you may claim a permanent exemption. If you wish to request this exemption, please contact our office prior to the jury date. Please make sure that your name and address are correct on your jury subpoena or summons. If changes are needed, please notify the Clerk of Court’s office.
The following clothing items are not acceptable for anyone entering the courtroom: shorts, tank tops, baseball caps, or hats. Cell phones, tablets, and purses are also not allowed in the courtroom.
Jurors will be paid $25.00 per day and 16 cents a mile. Checks will be mailed to the address on your subpoena.
Anyone wishing to be excused from jury duty (other than those 70 or over) must provide a valid excuse to the Judge listed on the subpoena. Only the Judge can excuse a prospective juror.
Jury excusal requests may be submitted via email by using the following addresses:
Judge Jason Verdigets | Div. A | divisiona@23rdjdc.org |
Judge Cody Martin | Div. B | divisionb@23rdjdc.org |
Judge – Division C | Div. C | divisionc@23rdjdc.org |
Judge Steven Tureau | Div. D | divisiond@23rdjdc.org |
Judge Keyojuan Gant-Turner | Div. E | divisione@23rdjdc.org |
If you have moved out of the parish and were summoned for jury duty, in addition to contacting the Judge’s office, please contact the Registrar of Voters office at (985) 369-7347.